We are excited to share a partnership with a new organization, Seeable, that has an amazing objective!

Seeable was founded in 2022 by Dana Bauer, inspired by her son’s diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mixed Expressive and Receptive Language Disorder. Discussions with specialists and parents in the community introduced her to Gestalt Language Processing and ways to support individuals who require pictures and visuals to better understand the world around them. A chance trip to Disney World in 2022 inspired Dana to create videos with the input of licensed specialists to ensure that they were helpful and therapeutic in nature.

Individuals with special needs face challenges in understanding everyday experiences due to receptive language delays and developmental delays. This can lead to anxiety, stress, and difficulty in completing tasks independently.

Seeable aims to improve the lives of individuals with special needs by creating and implementing therapy-backed videos that accompany real life experiences in the community and at home. These videos are modeled after various speech therapies and practices and integrate authentic settings and sensory experiences to support natural language acquisition. They can be accessed via QR code at various establishments in the community or through the Seeable website.

Learn more about how you can help: www.beseeable.org

Learn more about our community outreach here.